Who and what is IfKiV?
The I nstitut f ür K indersicherheit i m V erpackungswesen e.V. or, in English, the Institute for Child Safety in Packaging, is a registered non-profit organisation.
IfKiV performs tests of packages for pharmaceutical products and household goods with regard to the child resistance requirements according to the standards EN 14 375, EN ISO 8317, ISO 8317, EN 862 and PPPA and similar standards.
In the context of child resistance of packaging
- we also do expert child safety analyses.
- conduct studies and pretests.
- if relevant we cooperate with the European and international committees for establishing standards.
Factors ensuring that we perform our set tasks in a fitting and appropriate manner:
- as a registered non-profit organisation our tests are impartial and independent.
- in our activities we follow DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 a-(quality control) and are under constant supervision of the “Hanseatisches Supervisions- und Prüfkontor Dr. Lorenzen”/ ‘Hanseatic Office for Supervision and Inspection Dr. L.')
- we have a long history and can call more than 30 years of experience.
- in order to carry out our jobs promptly we employ teams in Hamburg and Berlin, each of which consists of a Test Manager (test execution) and a Supervisor (quality control).
During our tests
- we do not teach the children how to open the packages. Instead we merely observe how they go about trying to open the packages of their own accord,
- we act in confidence . No personal information of the children or adult respondents is included in test reports or passed on to third parties in any other way.
Our test products most often used are:
- Pretests of CR packaging to find the best CR alternative among different options in a fast and economic way
- Full tests of CR packaging according to the above standards to achieve the certificate needed for approval or market launch.